Sudbury Girls Lacrosse

Sudbury Girls Lacrosse Jamboree



The Founders Girls Lacrosse Jamboree is Sunday, May 19, Rogers Field @ Devens, MA — there are no regular season games that day. It’s an awesome event (approximately 3-4 hours) with multiple games, vendors & DJ & plenty of space for team tents. Player fee: $40.


Register today if you want to play!


Sudbury will be entering teams at the following grades. And all grades play 8v8 format and will have rosters of 12. Jamboree teams will be different than the spring league rosters.


Jamboree Grade Divisions: 2, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8


Please reach out with any questions and we hope you can make it!


Alexis, Kaillie, Maesa, Paul


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